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Dermatology Foundation-Skin of Color Society Collaborative Mid-Career Award

The Skin of Color Society and Dermatology Foundation are pleased to introduce this new Dermatology Foundation-Skin of Color Society Collaborative Mid-Career Award that will provide a grant of $100,000 in annual support for up to three years. The award is intended to support the work of outstanding investigators with an established trajectory of excellence in basic, clinical, or translational science.  The supported research projects are expected to yield novel results that expand the understanding of dermatological issues impacting underrepresented or underserved groups in medicine.

Applications Available: September 15, 2024; Noon CT
Application Deadline: December 1, 2024; Noon CT


Application Procedure:

The DF and SOCS are now accepting applications via Dermatology Foundation’s Mid-Career Research Award Portal. The Applicant Instructions provided below include essential information potential applicants need to know to evaluate the various award opportunities and develop a successful application and research proposal. The DF has also prepared a Quick Reference Guide to enable users to quickly acclimate to the online application system.


All Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mid-Career Award research must be conducted in the U.S. under the sponsorship of a department/division of dermatology that is ACGME-approved for training in dermatology. A project to be performed as a part of the U.S. government research program (except Veterans Administration), or to be performed at a private foundation without an academic affiliation to dermatology, is not eligible for funding. A project involving human subjects must have IRB approval at the time funding commences, i.e., July 1, and throughout the term of the award.

  • Proposed project must address an issue impacting groups underrepresented or underserved in medicine
  • Strong demonstrated commitment to research
  • At least 75% of their time is committed to research
  • Appropriate training and experience in relevant research
  • Faculty appointment in an accredited dermatology department/division, within 12 years of appointment as an Assistant Professor (as of January 1, 2024)
  • Demonstrates a strong commitment to research in aspects of dermatology related to psoriasis
  • M.D.; M.D., Ph.D.; D.O.; or Ph.D. degree
  • Research aims are unique to this award
  • Cannot hold other DF support at the time of funding (CDA-Yr3 recipients may apply)

Award Amount: 

$100,000 in annual support for up to three years, award funds may not be used for indirect expenses.


Up to three years, beginning July 1, 2024.

Application Instructions:

To apply for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mid-Career Award, you will need to assemble the following items:

  • NIH bio-sketch
  • Research proposal
  • Budget
  • Letter of support from the dermatology chair/chief
  • Short and long layperson’s description of research project
  • Black and white headshot
  • Original figures – Optional 

Questions regarding the application process?

Please contact the DF office at 847-328-2256 (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. central time) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Funding for this program is being supported by:

Sanofi-Regeneron DEI Mid-Career Award Winner

Donald A. Glass, II, MD, PhD, FAAD

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Genetics, Comorbidities And Their Associations With Keloids